
About carbon credit claims


Companies are taking three approaches to claims:

  • Voluntary compensation claims, for example ‘Carbon neutrality’ or ‘SBTi Net Zero target neutralisation’. Companies compensate their emissions every year, buying the same amount of carbon credits as their annual emissions.
    Example companies: Volkswagen, Siemens
  • Voluntary contribution claims, for example ‘Beyond value chain mitigation’, ‘VCMI Silver, Gold or Platinum’ or ‘Nature positive’. This approach focuses on an amount to spend rather than a set volume of carbon to offset and gives companies freedom to build a flexible portfolio supporting different climate-friendly solutions.
    Example companies: Bain & Company, Klarna, Stripe
  • Compliance targets, for example CORSIA. Some sectors, like aviation, are required to offset any growth in CO2 emissions by supporting certain type of offsets.